My Vermont Hide Away
Adoption In Vermont
I am tring to get together links and information on what is happing here in Vermont for adoptee and birthfamilies. If you were adopted in Vermont or put a child up for adoption in Vermont,
I can say it is very help here to find
that one you
are looking for. There is no regitry here
except in Waterbary at the ss rs dev.
and you must ask them to put you in by
writing to them or calling them and they
can contect a court and see if the
other party wants to meet you. If the
other party wants to meet you they will
contect you and set up a meeting. You can
go to the agency that you used for the
adoption and ask or demand the medical
records even if you want our records go for medical fisrt, you can have that with out finding names. It is a start and more inportant then you will ever know.
Family Ties
When you start a search Please have a note book so you can write every thing you find out , even dead ends are needed so you don't go back there. Write down all names you can find. If you are looking for a birthchil in Vermont in Burlinton there is the city recoords list all birth my dates and have all names and parents of said adoptee. so go there and look under your birthchild's birthday and see what you have. Even if there are more names you can cross off the ones that were not born where your child was. It is a big part of your search. If you find a date and names then you are half way there. For em. heath records you can go dir.
I am interested family things!
My interests:�Kid's Stuff�Paranormal�Parenting
Favourite links

Aplace has vol. for researching families

gene. searchs

everyone loves pooh

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